Picture this:



  • Relax in a hot tub with a mountain view, tucked under a giant cedar tree, you sipping a glass of wine (or raw goat milk, or kombucha, or herbal tea – you pick…)

  • Smell the home-cooked, fresh, organic dinner prepared for you, knowing that you will eat healthy, yummy food to nourish your body, and you don’t have to clean up a single dish!

  • Rejuvenate your soul and spirit, while you bury your toes in the warm sand at a wild river with snow capped mountains in the distance and spawning salmon in the water

  • Release old painful patterns in several letting-go rituals with a small group of women you trust

  • Be guided by an experienced transformational life coach and a licensed psychotherapist to transform your life and evolve it so you can flourish and thrive in life

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/215450331" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

In our weekend retreat at our beautiful homestead close to the North Cascades wilderness , you will deeply connect with your own soul, with nature, and with a small group of like-minded women who are also committed to their personal growth and self-actualization.

The theme will be





transforming your life



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September 21 and 22, 2019

Starts Saturday at 10 am

Ends Sunday at 5 pm



Marblemount, WA

Marblemount Homestead

Upper Skagit Valley


How much?


All organic, home-cooked meals included (one breakfast, two lunches, one dinner)

  • If you are stressed out, feel disconnected from nature and your own soul, crave the company of excellent women, then this retreat is for you.
  • We will not only pamper you with amazing food and gorgeous scenery, but also engage in practices and gentle rituals to help you break through old patterns.  This will help you fully flourish in your life.
  • We will explore an old pattern in your life that repeats over and over again (for example putting yourself last, giving your power away to others, constantly getting sick, not reaching your highest potentials).  You will gain crystal clear clarity.
  • You will free up energy, improve your health, lighten your spirit, connect with a soul tribe of sisters, so that you can move forward in your life to be the best person you can be.
  • We will name and start to transform the false beliefs that are at the center of this pattern.  You will walk away with proven tools you can use for your whole life.
  • We will do this through one-on-one coaching, group work, rituals, exercises in nature, journaling, and more.  You will experience deep support and encouragement.
  • There will be plenty of time to be alone as well.  Bring a journal, your knitting, a good book.  This is all about nourishing yourself on all levels: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.

You deserve to be pampered and nourished.

You deserve this time to concentrate on yourself.

You will go back home with a new perspective.

What’s included?


valued at $100

  • One breakfast
  • Two lunches
  • One dinner





to set your intention and find the false beliefs that are holding you back

valued at $100




  • group work
  • one-on-one coaching
  • facilitation
  • rituals
  • transformational processes and tools

valued at $500





Your Facilitators

Corina Sahlin

Corina Sahlin

Certified Feminine Power Transformational Life Coach

Corina Sahlin is a Feminine Power Transformational Life Coach and has helped women all over the world to transform their lives and achieve their intentions.

Corina has mentored people for over two decades, helping them change painful patterns and dig deeply into unconscious beliefs and behaviors so they can be evolved.

Her unique blend of down-to-earth authenticity, deep intuition, humor and fierceness mixed with plenty of warmth have gained her a reputation as a kick-ass coach that gets her clients lasting results.

Lindsay Huettman

Lindsay Huettman


Lindsay Huettman is a therapist who sees each individual, family and couple as unique beings, influenced by a complex ecosystem of family, community, relationships, culture and so much more.
Her approach is both practical and soulful, backed by experience and current scientific research and theory.
Lindsay has been a youth, teen and adult mentor, public school teacher,  wilderness guide and enthnobotanist for over 15 years.
Her specialties are grief/loss, trauma/traumatic loss, anxiety and panic disorders, PTSD, adult survivors of child abuse, relationship issues, anticipatory grief and death process.
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