Why do you need a life coach?

Your life will drastically change when you have someone (that would be me!) hold space for you.

You need someone who is experienced at discovering patterns, someone with lots of experience helping people dig deep.

It feels amazing to have someone nurturing, focused and clear ask very powerful questions, so that you can get to the bottom of things together.

This is the kind of support most people don’t experience in their life time.

What our coaching looks like

We will explore the pattern in your life that causes you most pain, the pattern that repeats itself over and over and over again.  We will deepen into what you want to create instead and set an intention, which will serve as the North Star for our time together.

We will discover the underlying belief matrix of this pattern, which has you show up in ways that creates that pain and frustration (for example a false belief that you are not good enough, not wanted, not worthy, invisible, and so on).

We will find the emotional self in your body (you can’t do this from your intellectual self in your head) that has made meaning about life from this underlying belief matrix.

I am a coach and, yet, I could not move forward with my coaching practice. I was so stuck and couldn’t figure out what was holding me back. Corina quickly and compassionately uncovered an ancient false identity I was holding. Thanks Corina for a very insightful and intuitive transformation.

Bevie Taylor

When I came to my first session, I was in a years-long deep grey chasm, so ready to transform, but in need of help. The relief I felt at the finish of that very first session compounded enormously in the course of six weeks, and enabled me to again find my sense of purpose and possibility in life.

Betsy Delph

Throughout our work together, I keep being absolutely amazed at how quickly things have been shifting for me! The constant background anxiety has lifted, I am now able to self soothe very well and as a result feel relaxed and at ease in my life, the depression I’ve felt for years is no longer there, and my energy levels have been improving rapidly.
Julia Schneider

Transform your relationship with yourself

I will teach you Feminine Power and RLT principles and practices to break through this pattern and evolve it – once and for all. You will have an embodied experience of the deeper truth: who you really are, what’s really true about yourself as the source of your experience, and that you have the power to show up in new ways that will create a whole new, positive, mind-blowing life experience.

Most importantly in this work, I will teach you the practice of bringing the self in your mind (the grown-up, wiser part of you) and the emotional self in your body (your younger self who has made false meaning and showed up accordingly) into an empowered, nurturing relationship with each other.

You will learn how life is happening through you, instead of to you, and you will practice new ways of being in the world.

Transform your relationship with others

This is where the rubber really meets the road, because we live on the relationship planet!

Learn why you need an empowered relationship with others in order to become your true, authentic self.

Transform the patterns you have had with other people (your kids, significant others, friends, family, co-workers). You have related to others inside the old pattern and old dis-empowering core beliefs.  Imagine what can be possible when you relate to them inside of the deeper truth of who you really are, and what’s possible in life!

Learn what it means to be truly intimate with someone, deeply connected in ways where you can really show yourself fully.

Discover how to partner with others in collaboration, so you can unleash incredible co-creative forces to manifest mutual potentials.

Transform your relationship with what’s possible in Life

Instead of seeing yourself as a helpless, random part of life, we will awaken a deep sense of belonging to all of life.

You will learn practices how to access the limitless, abundant support of Life so you can contribute your greatest contributions and live your most amazing potentials.

You will experience co-creating with the abundant energies of Life and tap deeply into your own intuition.

You will practice how to generatively relate to setbacks, apparent “failures” and disappointments, so you can shine the brightest in your life.

Few women I’ve ever met/trained embody wellness, wholeness, happiness and thriving more than Corina Sahlin. If you have the opportunity to be her client or participate in any of her programs, you’ll gain more than a skilled coach, you’ll have access to a mentor whose very presence and beingness will catalyze you to a new level of authentic success and fulfillment.

Claire Zammit

Founder of FemininePower.com & The Feminine Power courses for Women, Feminine Power, Feminine Power