Hello dear,
It has been a long time since I posted a blog here. It’s because 2020 kicked my ass more than any other year, except maybe that time when I was a teenager and got banned from our house by my father.
Anyway, back to 2020: it started with some heavy duty marriage trouble in January. It continued with our decision to leave our beloved homestead in the wilderness and move closer to civilization. We purchased a house in the Skagit Flats, and while we moved and cleaned and organized and tried to find renters, Covid hit full force.
At the same time, my life coaching job with Feminine Power heated up, where I rose to the top, serving as the senior coach for famous icons like Jean Houston in her Influencer’s Masterclass, and Claire Zammit’s Coaching/Facilitation/Leadership trainings.
So here I was, holding space for clients, while also juggling three kids at home who needed to navigate homeschooling in a different district.
Then our renters quit, and we decided to sell our homestead. Things heated up even more. I’ll spare you the details. It was all very, very intense. During all this time, I got felled by migraines regularly that had me throw up for 12 hours straight.
Fun stuff.
All to say: I bet 2020 wasn’t a cake walk for you either. In fact, most of the hundreds of women I talked with over the past year have felt isolated, alone, stressed out, confused, afraid, super pissed, hopeless and at the end of their rope.
I want to validate what a difficult year this has been for most of us.
Keep reading, because I have a solution for you if it resonates.
Before I get into that, I want to name another thing that I’ve been hearing over and over from many of you. These times of Covid have forced many of us to really ask ourselves: Why am I here? Why am I on this planet, in this body, at this time in human history? What is my purpose here? What is my destiny? What is mine to do? You might be feeling the pull that there is something else out there for you.
Are you feeling that, too? And are you asking yourself at the same time: “How the hell am I supposed to figure that out?” You have no idea where to start. You are stuck, and that leaves you even more depressed and frustrated.
Here’s the good news: You can transform these feelings that keep you stuck and feeling powerless, and you can have the guidance, structure and support to take steps towards your destiny and purpose.
I know this because I LIVE It every day: despite all the intense stuff that has been happening, I’ve actually flourished. I feel like I’m in the center of my calling and my destiny, by supporting women like you. I am using the same tools and practices that I teach every single day for myself, and it has helped me not only survive, but thrive.
And here’s where the solution comes in: My dear, beloved friend Lindsay (licensed psychotherapist, wilderness guide and grief counselor) and I are offering a ten week online group coaching course to help you break through inner barriers, completely transform your life and fully step into your destiny.
We would love to be your coaches and mentors and guide you on the journey that’s necessary to grow yourself into the amazing woman you came into this world to become.
We are going to do that by teaching you the Feminine Power Framework that I personally used and have used with hundreds of clients with amazing results. When I learned this framework 11 years ago, just like we’ll teach in our ten week course, my life was un-recognizable afterwards.
11 years ago, I was in a really bad place: burnt out, depressed, hopeless… I felt like I should be happy, because I had a great husband, 3 wonderful kids, and a beautiful homestead and animals. I felt guilty for feeling so unsatisfied. I always felt that there was more to life than “just” my family, and I felt guilty for feeling that. When I started this Feminine Power work, I became aware of these old, limiting stories I lived life inside up until that time: that I’m not good enough, not wanted, not worthy. My life kept reflecting this back to me on many levels, and I couldn’t get traction in my life.
Inside of this Feminine Power work, I completely transformed these beliefs and started living from a deeper truth: that I am more than enough, that I don’t have to hussle to prove my worth, that I am deeply wanted. Inside of that new story, I began to relate to myself, life and others in ways that created a totally new reality for me. My relationship with my husband deepened. My mothering became so much more genuine and not rooted in guilt all the time. I healed my adrenal fatigue and burn out. My business started taking off, because I dared to make myself visible in a really authentic way. I started creating, writing and blogging. My blog was awarded one of the top 100 blogs worldwide on homesteading and sustainability! And I began making a huge impact in the world as a coach and leading retreats. Talk about stepping into my destiny!
But I couldn’t have done this by myself. I needed support, guidance, mentorship and community, and this is what we offer in our ten week course.
We will teach you the feminine way of creating, which is very different from the masculine way. We will help you set a powerful intention, where you get crystal clear on what you are most yearning to experience, create and contribute. Many of us are blocked there because we are so disconnected from our deepest desires, or because we are so rooted in non-possibility.
We are then going to identify the gap, the barriers that are in the way of this intention. We are going to get very clear on the pattern that has been keeping you from realizing your deepest desires.
That’s when it gets really powerful and transformational. We will dive deeply underneath your pattern at the level of identity, where you will meet the part of you that is stuck in old, limiting stories, like I’m not enough, I’m alone, I’m invisible, I’m not worthy, I’m not safe.
We will guide you deeply into powerful practices to break through this.
The work is about seeing how this is happening THROUGH you, and not TO you. Many of us are stuck in victimization without even realizing it, but when we take responsibility for how we are showing up with ourselves, others and life, that’s when things can really change.
This can happen fast! We don’t need years and years of therapy or meditating on our cushion to transform this!
So please join us in our online group coaching course! Be prepared for a life changing experience!
Register early, because spaces are limited, and because you get early bird pricing! (By the way, tuition for this course is incredibly affordable, because we want to make sure you can step in!)