Here is a powerful, simple tool to help yourself emotionally in this hard time

Here is a powerful, simple tool to help yourself emotionally in this hard time

Is your anxiety running as high as mine? I’m a naturally anxious person, and also highly sensitive to the energies around me. So in addition to feeling my own stuff, I’m also feeling everyone else’s.

You, too?

And if you have kids, you are picking up their anxiety, and then you try to help them while dealing with yours.

Sound familiar?

I got a powerful, simple tool for you.

In the face of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, schools are shutting down. Working parents (which is most of us) have to figure out what to do with the kids. Fears and uncertainty are running sky high. The economy is taking a downturn. We are worried about our elders contracting the virus and getting serious complications.

It’s enough to make the most stable, balanced, rock-solid person (like my husband) feel jittery.

I’m feeling more than jittery right now. Today, I’m dealing with a migraine, which makes me fight an urge to throw up and hide in a dark room, but instead, I’m using this vulnerability to write to you, darlings.


I want to encourage you to practice what I have preached for years, and what I have taught literally hundreds of women by now: if you want to tend to others, like your children, you have to tend to yourself first. Oxygen mask on yourself first, and all that.

Instead of shutting down your feelings, or denying them, or shaming yourself for having them, or disassociating from them, nor numbing them, why don’t you try this:

Turn towards your feelings. Breathe into your body. Take your time with this. Where are you feeling fear/anxiety/sadness/anger in your body? Breathe into it. All of you is welcome here. Put your hand on the area where you feel the feelings. Keep breathing and not judging the feelings. See if you can be tender here. No need to fix anything, no need to do this perfectly. Just be present with what you are feeling and welcome that all in.

Now ask yourself: What is this part of me saying? Listen to it. Keep breathing. Keep listening. No judgment, just breathe it in. This part of you might be saying “I’m scared! I’m super mad at the government! I don’t deserve to take care of myself if other people need me. I’m so tired!”

There you go, that’s good. Just keep naming these feelings and acknowledge them.

Now try this: Imagine yourself as a little kid. Imagine all the things you just named were  being told to you by a precious little girl you loved very much. Imagine her coming to you, the adult, with her big, wide eyes and cute braids, and she told you these things: “I’m scared. I’m mad. I don’t know what to do…”

What would you do with this little girl? How would you behave?

Would you say “Yup, kid, too bad, you’re screwed. And you shouldn’t be feeling this way, what’s wrong with you? And honestly, don’t bother me, I’m busy!”

I bet you wouldn’t do that.

I bet you would gather that little one up in your arms and give her a big hug. You would validate her feelings, you would tell her you are sorry that she’s feeling this way, you would tell her that you are right here with her, that she’s not alone, that you’ll take care of her.



So can you do that? Can you imagine this little girl is actually you, and can you give yourself the kind of tender, loving care you would extend to a scared little child?

Can you listen to that little one inside of you and ask her what she needs? Maybe she needs to go for a walk. Maybe she needs to take a bath. She might want to call a friend and connect. She might tell you to turn off the news, because it messes up her nervous system. She might want some alone time with a good book. She might need to cry.


Even if you can’t give her what she needs in the moment (because you have a baby who needs you right then, or because you are at work and can’t take a bath just then, or you can’t cry right now because you have to keep it together at the moment), you could just put your hand on yourself and whisper “I hear you, sweetie. I can see you need this right now.It’s okay, we’ll work it out. I love you and care about you.”

So, my dear darling? Let’s support one another in this radical care towards ourselves. Let’s live in a culture of treating our own self with special, tender loving support, because you deserve it, because you are so worthy of it.

I promise you that your bandwidth to care for others increases dramatically when you practice this consistently. It’s so worth it.

So keep living your life with an extra dose of self love and self care. Wash your hands often. Don’t touch your face (eyes, nose and mouth).

Stay safe! You are loved!

To worry is to pray for what you don’t want. Please don’t punch me in the face.

To worry is to pray for what you don’t want. Please don’t punch me in the face.

I am a world-class worry wart. Believe me, I know anxiety well. I’ve pitched my tent there and camped out with anxiety a lot in the past. I still do some, but if I catch myself worrying, I now say this to myself:

“To worry is to pray for what I don’t want.”

Now, please don’t punch me in the face. I’m not saying it’s your fault when something bad happens. Not at all.

What I’m saying is this:

Pretend you just woke up, and you stub your toe. In other words, your day starts out shitty. Then you notice the coffee has run out, and your day is getting worse, if that’s possible, and it’s not even 6:30 am yet.

Your thoughts are starting a downward spiral which you are getting sucked into fast – like a vortex of spinning energy you can’t stop. Here are your thoughts:

“Why does this always happen to me?”
“It’s gonna be a terrible day!”
“What if the meeting today is gonna suck?”
“I bet I won’t get through my to-do-list today.”

And woosh, down goes the energy, and wouldn’t you know it? The day IS terrible. The meeting DOES suck. You didn’t even scratch the surface of your to-do list.

And you feel terrible.

This downward spiral stuff happened to me the first week my three kids started school this September. I had been homeschooling them for their whole lives, and they all started public school at the same time. The first week was rough for two of my kids: they didn’t know anyone, the new environment and structure were foreign to them, they missed being home.

My mind went into overdrive: What if they never make friends? What if they never fit in? What if this was the biggest mistake we’ve ever made, and my kids will be scarred for life?

The deeper I hysterically pondered this, the more vivid the pictures in my head became. You know, when a thought suddenly turns into a big movie screen, with flashing colors, its own plot, and sound effects to boot.

Yeah, that.

And you notice your body is getting flooded with stress hormones, adrenaline, fear and dread, just as if the scenario in your head is actually HAPPENING for real?

Thoughts are incredibly powerful. I stopped myself and asked, “Is this really what I want for my kids? This techni-color picture of gloom and doom? Or do I want to see them happy, integrated and thriving? Yes, that!

So I dropped everything I was doing, sat down and visualized them like that: flourishing. Whenever fear crept up, I directed my thoughts to seeing my kids ecstatic and smiling.

Whatever the outcome, my body and mind felt much better visualizing the positive rather than seeing all the horror scenes in my mind.

And wouldn’t you know? After a week of adjusting, the middle kid started loving school and the social scene, the sports, band. And although it took longer for my third child, four weeks after starting school the other students in her second grade class are now fighting for her attention, wanting to be her best friend.


Did my visualizing help? I’d like to think so. I do believe in the Law of Attraction, prayer, positivity. But even if that didn’t play a factor, it is true that I felt much more calm, relaxed and peaceful. I bet my mindset helped my kids, instead of dealing with a hysterical, worried, hovering mother.

Here are some ways to deal with anxiety:


  • Eat chocolate.  Just kidding.  Or not.  It actually helps me.
  • Breathe.  Seriously.  Oxygen does wonders for your mood.
  • Turn towards your inner child, the one that worries she’s not good enough, she’s not safe, she’s a burden to others.  If you don’t know how to do this, schedule a free coaching session with me.  It could change your life.
  • Notice your body sensations when you worry: tension, gripping, tightness, pain.  Send some love and breath there.
  • Then say to yourself: “I’m going to make a different choice here.  Right now, I’m kind of praying for what I don’t want to happen.  What do I want to happen instead?”
  • Visualize in full techni-color a new scenario: what would you like this to be?  Paint a picture in your mind.  What does it smell like, feel like, look like?  Stay there for a while.
  • Talk with a friend (or coach).  Make sure it’s someone who has earned the right to hear your story, someone you trust completely.
  • Be super-super-super kind, compassionate, gentle and sweet with yourself.  Beating yourself up on top of the anxiety doesn’t help.
  • Exercise.  I get on my bike and pump some endorphins out in the fresh air.  And then I go and eat some more chocolate.
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