Transform your life in my weekend retreat in California!

Transform your life in my weekend retreat in California!

Do you want to transform your life in California? I’m co-leading a weekend women’s retreat in Huntington Beach, CA, from May 4 to 5!  Please come join me!

  • Are you sick and tired of repeating the same painful patterns over and over again?
  • Are you feeling confused about the direction of your life?
  • Do you feel unsupported and alone?
  • Do you want to discover a proven method for life transformation?

If you are a woman who has been feeling the impulse to evolve beyond your current life situation (career, health, relationships, money, etc.), want to break through your old self-sabotaging behavior patterns, and move into a deeper relationship with yourself, others and life…



Join us for a powerful weekend of transformation as we take an inward journey into our inner landscapes.

In this two-day retreat you will:


– Identify and break through painful self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviour patterns

– Get clear on what is in the way of living your desired life

– Learn tools and practices to break through and transform the patterns from the past that are keeping you from being your True and Higher self

– Connect with your deepest desires, discover with what is possible for your life and follow through with the first steps to bring forth your vision

– Receive support to navigate the process of transformation

You deserve to flourish and thrive.  Please come join me in this retreat and prepare to be transformed!

Early  bird pricing ends April 1st, so please register early!


And please share this with your friends if they live close to California!

Is there something wrong with you?

Is there something wrong with you?

When things are hard, when you are feeling strong feelings, when you just can’t cope well, do you say to yourself “What’s wrong with me?”

Hmmm… Yeah.  I know this question well.  I used to tell myself this all the time.  What’s wrong with me??? Why can’t I just get over this depression, or not be so anxious all the time? Other people seem to do just fine, so why can’t I?


What if I told you there’s nothing wrong with you at all?  What if I told you that many other people feel like there’s something wrong with them, but they just don’t talk about it, so you think you’re the only one, and what if I told you that you are quite normal and human?

The problem is that you are asking the wrong question.  Asking yourself what’s wrong with you gives you absolutely no power and will drive you crazy.

See, I used to be convinced that there was something wrong with me, that I was bad, not good enough, and not worthy.  Over time, I transformed these beliefs, and my life has reflected that in all of its amazing flourishing.

But these false beliefs still rear their ugly, slimy monster heads every now and then.  For example, these past two weeks were insanely difficult, because my husband and I have been working through some deep, deep muck and issues that have been going on for the almost two decades of our relationship.  Hanging out there in the muck has not been fun.  I cried a lot.  I raged. I withdrew. I felt there was something really, really wrong with me.

At some point in one of my crying bouts, I yelled “What’s WRONG with me?”  I felt broken.

That’s when my husband took my snotty face in his hands and stroked my hair, all the while telling me that I was not broken (even though all these emotions were directed at him).  He reminded me that I was human, and that there was nothing wrong with me.


Fortunately, I’ve had lots of training, and I was able to snap out of it and believe him.  I’ve had lots of experience taking other people through this mucky field of believing something that’s not true, and completely transforming it.  With the right support, you can transform and evolve the way you talk to yourself, the way you relate to yourself, others and the universe.


We all need someone to walk us through this, and I would be honored to do this for you. 

If you want my help, I urge you to book a FREE discovery coaching session.  I’m taking on a limited number of clients over the next few months, and if you need support, please reach out.


I just received an email from a woman I coached, and here’s what she writes:

“I put my beloved dog to sleep a week ago, and I have taken the last week to be quiet, to be sad or whatever emotion I’m feeling at the moment, with no judgment. I’ve taken this time to be kind to myself, to talk to the little girl inside me in a caring, loving, gentle and patient voice. I’ve allowed myself to grieve as well as to dream, and I’ve taken my dreams seriously and believed in them because I’ve watched them come true again and again.

I feel as if the Universe has my back, that the world is a beautiful place, death and all. I feel whole, human, loved, loving, caressed and cared for by the Universe and by many, many loving humans.

I’m glad I waited to write to you as I feel the sadness of the last week has deepened the gratitude I was already feeling for you. The strength of what you taught me over the course of 2018 in our phone calls has become even more clear through this time. I would not be faring so well, sharing what I’ve been doing to take care of myself, if it weren’t for you.

I had felt disconnected, abandoned, lost – as you said, I was letting the ten year-old me drive the bus – and your gentle strength reconnected me to all that is truly important, grounded me, brought hope and tools to continue getting stronger and more gentle and loving, to myself and others.

My relationship with my husband has turned from anxiety-provoking to jaw droppingly beautiful, graceful, passionate. My businesses are thriving. My self talk is kind(er), my heart is full of gratitude, and I see signs every day that the Universe has my back.

I have notes on my mirror with words you gave me, I have notes in my art room, someday to be turned into art or writing or to just continue to be written in my soul, that you shared with me and brought out of me.

I am so very grateful for you choosing to take the path you chose, for all the twists and turns and ups and downs your life has given you, so that you could be there to provide what you did for me and for others. I wish life didn’t have to be so hard for all of us, but what you have chosen to do with the difficulty – to reach out to others and help us reconnect with our light, our dreams, our needs, our LIFE – is incredibly brave, beautiful and honorable.

Thank you, from the bottom, sides, inside and outside of my heart and soul.”

Three punches in the gut, how my life changed, and what that has to do with you

Three punches in the gut, how my life changed, and what that has to do with you

Not to be melodramatic, but this might be the most important blog post I’ve ever written. It’s life and death stuff. See? Sounds scary, right?

Well, it IS scary, and the reason you haven’t heard from me in a long time is because I’ve been submerged in fear and anxiety, wrestling with those suckers, coming up for air now and then, only to be dragged under again.

In September, I went to my gynaecology checkup, where I felt punched in the gut and hit with a hammer on the head three times in the span of 15 minutes.

The first gut puncher: some of my symptoms indicated that I needed a screening for uterine cancer. Since one of my friends just died of cancer in her nether regions, this news initiated noisy alarm sirens in my head.

The second: a lump in my breast that I was urged to follow up on.

The third: after listening to my heart, my doctor looked at me gravely and told me that I needed to see a cardiologist. Immediately. She had never heard such a wonky heart beat as mine.

Now I don’t know if you know this about me, but I always considered myself super healthy, fit and invincible. You know, hardy German stock. I have very, very rarely gone to the doctor during my 46 years of life.

And now, I was faced with three scary scenarios, including procedures, interventions, and medical specialists.

My first thought: What the fuck?

My second: What if this is serious? What if I die? What about my kids?

All my life, I have pictured myself being old while climbing mountains, shovelling great wheelbarrow loads of goat manure, gardening, holding workshops, teaching, and happily sitting in my rocking chair and knitting sweaters for my numerous grandchildren at the end of the day – white haired, my face sun-kissed, weathered and wrinkled, but vibrant. Healthy.

The three scary health scenarios I got hit with at my doctor’s office didn’t fit into that vision.

After stumbling out of her office with referrals to a cardiologist, breast clinic and a uterine scraping appointment, I got into the car with my husband and broke down crying. I was very, very scared, very, very confused, and it didn’t help that now I really noticed my heart beating erratically and thumping out of my chest.

Have you ever got hit over the head with a 2 by 4, received news that brought you to your knees, asked the question “Why me?” and “Why now?”? Have you ever looked at your children and wondered what their lives would be like if you died?

In the days and weeks following my diagnosis, I didn’t ask “Why me?”, but instead I asked “Why did this happen now?”

I realized that it happened because I do what many of us women do: over-work, over-give, run on adrenaline, and not make ourselves a priority.

If you are tempted to stop reading this right now, because you think I will give you a lecture on self-care, or making yourself a priority, and you know this will never happen for you, I have news for you, sister:

What does it take for you to take your symptoms seriously? Your symptoms could be disease, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, or anything else that has been a pattern for you and creates negative impact.

Will you only pay attention when you get cancer? When you feel suicidal? When you can’t sleep or function in the world?

I ask this with a lot of love, not to shame you or lay blame.

Here’s what I did:

I realized that I’ve been running on adrenaline all my life. This summer was especially busy and emotionally hard. I recognized that I do more now and that I juggle more balls in the air than I did when I was 20. I admitted that I have a pattern of hustling for worthiness, trying to prove to myself and others that I deserve to be alive/take up space, that I’m good enough by doing, doing, doing, achieving, achieving, achieving, hustling, hustling, hustling.

And the hardest thing to admit: I can’t keep going like this, nor do I want to.

So I sold my goats, talked deeply with my husband about our priorities, and spend hours knitting on the sofa and by the river in the sunshine. For the first time in my life, I spent hours just being, without accomplishing anything. No guilt. No shame. No blame.

I won’t lie. It was hard at first. But the more my nervous system calmed down, the better I felt.

And here’s the miraculous thing: opportunities opened up. By me not being constantly busy, amazing things came into my life. One of them was a job opportunity with Feminine Power, the coaching organization I have been studying with (I am now one of their professional program specialists).

Now let me ask you this:

Do you know where your life is out of balance? Have you felt burnt-out, trapped, that things are wrong in your life? Have you pushed that feeling down for years? Have you felt that it is not possible for this to change?

I know how this feels, I really do. But enough is enough. I got my wake-up call. Have you gotten yours yet?

I hope you don’t have to get sick, depressed or burnt-out to get this message:

You are worthy. You are good enough just as you are. You deserve to take care of yourself and meet your needs. In fact, it is imperative. I give you permission to put yourself first. Can YOU give yourself permission to do that?

Here’s some good news:

My uterus is fine. I’m just navigating perimenopause, with lots of weird changes.

My boobs are great (saggier than ever, but just fine).

My heart is fine, too. The cardiologist said there’s nothing structurally wrong, and the irregular heartbeats are quite common with stress, not dangerous, and just a nuisance.


What a wakeup call. I am grateful for it, but I don’t wish that sense of drowning in fear on anyone.

Now back to you: Are you sick of muddling through this stuff alone?  Do you need support?

I’m here for you.

I am accepting a very limited number of free discovery sessions (45 minutes long) to see if I can help you and support you with my seven week program.  It has changed many women’s lives for the better (you can read their testimonials here <—), and with this health scare under my belt, I am now even more equipped to help you navigate scary waters.

Book a free session

Here’s a gift for you so you can balance your energy

Here’s a gift for you so you can balance your energy

Frankly: I’ve been fried this summer, and I’m not just talking about heat and wildfire smoke.

And I know that many, many of you and also most of my coaching clients feel exactly the same way.

Your patience is being stretched to the max, you are friggin’ tired, everyone puts their grubby little hands into your space pulling on you.  Gurrrrrrr!!!!!!

It’s time to balance your energy and take back your own space, and it’s easier than you think.

During a session with one of my coaching clients, I taught her how to take back her energy after someone plugged themselves into her with a big old energy-sucking cord. We all have these cords from other people, and we do it to others as well.

In these crazy times, we high-achieving, sensitive, awakening women need to make an extra effort to ground ourselves into the Earth, to connect with the life-giving energy of the universe, and to protect our energy from everything that’s coming at us (media, family and friend drama, politics, kids, life).

So I recorded a meditation that I do myself when I feel ungrounded and attacked.

And I want to give it to you so you can listen and clear unwanted energies from your system.

You’re welcome ~ and let me know in the comments if the meditation was helpful for you!

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These two online events will change your life!

These two online events will change your life!

Today, I want to tell you about two possibly life-changing free workshops.

I’ve done them both, and both of them have made me into the fulfilled, self-actualized, on-purpose woman I am today.

The first one is a free global online event, available for a limited time: How to unlock your Feminine Power.

This is from my mentor, Claire Zammit, and her work has dramatically changed my life.  I want you to get a taste of it and discover how you can unleash your power and purpose and step into your destiny.

100,000+ women are coming together for a FREE GLOBAL ONLINE EVENT where you’ll discover how to **Unlock Your FEMININE POWER**

Unleash your POWER and PURPOSE and step into your DESTINY using the simple, proven process Dr. Claire Zammit has discovered in over a decade of research can ignite conscious women to actualize their potentials! —>

>> Click here to download the FREE audio <<


Or if you want to enroll in her paid 7-week online course, click here <—


The other life-changing workshop is all about Facebook, and how to expand your reach, clarify your message, and thus make more money.

So if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or someone who needs to get their voice out on Facebook, here’s a free training from another one of my mentors.

It’s an online workshop 💗FREE💗 my business mentor is teaching, and that exact workshop changed my life! She is a red-headed, funny-as-hell lady who has a six-figure business. She taught me everything I know about Facebook, all kinds of tips and tricks, and everyone should know this stuff if they want to reach more people!
It starts Monday, August 6, but you should sign up today so that you won’t miss out!

It blows me away that our Marblemount Homestead Facebook page has close to 5,000 followers – all high quality, engaged people!

Do YOU want to reach more people on Facebook? Do you want more exposure for your message or business?
My own exposure, fan base and income have exponentially increased after I took this FREE Four-Day-Facebook-Makeover workshop. 👇


>> Click here to sign up for her free workshop <<


And as always, if you want to sign up for a free discovery session to see how I could help you get on track with your life, click here to do it!