Do you have PMS, IBS or gut health issues? Let’s heal them together!
The other day found me on the sofa, sobbing, yet again. This happens every month: a migraine, or whatever it is, that leaves me nauseated, utterly exhausted, sensitive to light, feeling sick like with a flu, and I can’t form a coherent thought. It’s debilitating. And since I’m usually so vibrant and healthy, this once-a-month ocurence really, really scares me.
Dear sister, dear friend, dear woman…. If you are anything like me and many of the women I know, you want to be healthy and vibrant… but you are suffering with PMS, menopausal symptoms, weird gut issues, maybe even IBS. You are so friggin’ ready for things to be better. I know I am.
At the tail end of this month’s sickness episode, I talked with Dr. Deborah Epstein, an experienced naturopath in my area. Talking with her gave me so much hope for healing this once and for all. She explained things to me in such an easily understandable way that I asked her to do a video call with me and record it, and invite you, if you want to come and ask her questions.
So we scheduled a video zoom call for June 29, noon Pacific Time, and we’d love for you to be there to ask questions!
If you want to attend the call, please sign up to be on the call, or to get sent the replay, click on the button below:
Just to give you an idea about the kind of things Dr. Deborah can help with, read on:
When your period comes do you find yourself:
- Parked on the couch with a heating pad on your belly?
- Curled up in a ball, trying not to move?
- Snapping at your spouse and kids, because it’s hard to be yourself when you’re in pain?
- Just plain “out of commission” for those special days every month?
- Worried about money and your job, because you’re missing yet another day at work?
- Popping pills that you’d really rather not take (because you know they’re a band-aid that just makes you more toxic), just to get through the day?
- Terrified that the rest of your life is going to be this way?
- Planning everyday events or vacations, without fear of last-minute cancellations
- Participating fully in your kids’ activities
- Not risking your income or job performance from taking too many sick days at work (or being crabby at your boss)
- Focusing on living your life fully, instead of just getting by
- Achieving this freedom without the use of pain-killers or birth-control pills!
Or here’s the other thing if you are dealing with gut problems:
- Ever feel paralyzed by indecision about what to eat because you don’t know what will trigger your IBS? (And wish you could just eat without fear or anxiety?)
- Decide you just won’t eat before important exams or meetings, because you can’t risk the monster belly noises or embarrassing smells? (And wish you could just live your life without planning absolutely everything around your traitorous gut?)
- Feel better when you have a map in your head of all the known toilets on your route? (And wish you had the freedom to leave the house like a normal person, or even travel like you’ve been dying to?)
- Have to wake up 2 hours earlier than you really need, praying you can poop before you leave the house? (And wish you could just live your right life, rather than organizing it all around pooping or not?)
- Avoid invitations because every dinner out is a night on the toilet just waiting to happen? (And wish you could just have a normal social life?)
- Know food causes symptoms, but stay in your rut, because you don’t believe it can ever be different? (It can.)
- Know food causes symptoms, but resist change because deep down you’re afraid to give up foods you love? (You can love food AND achieve freedom from food triggers.)
My hormones have been shifting a lot, and I’ve been hammered with weird symptoms. I’ve been trying to see a naturopath about them, even did an Ayurvedic cleanse, but nothing has helped.
I found an ally, Deborah Epstein, ND (naturopathic doctor), and I’m excited to share her with you! I read her article “3 Secrets for how to Relieve Period Cramps” and “Get Rid of PMS Anxiety and Mood Swings for Good – 5 Root Causes”, and I loved what I read.
I started corresponding with her, and she invited me for a free talk over the phone to learn more about what I need.
I’m super excited about her online program, which starts June 6th, so I can discover my unique inflammatory trigger foods, understand my food sensitivities and finally heal my health issues.
Do you want to join me? This will NEVER be that inexpensive again!
It’s a whole-foods-based Cleanse/Detox program in your own home.
>> Learn more about this online program <<
In this program you will:
- not fast, and you will not go hungry;
- take herbs and supplements that support your body’s natural detoxification processes, and begin to balance your hormones, tojumpstart true health.
- plan meals, prepare nourishing whole foods, and be supported through healthy lifestyle change;
- receive lots of recipes and meal-plan support, so you’ll enjoy eating healthfully;
- “attend” weekly conference calls, and participate in a private Facebook group online, in which you will get to ask questions, as well as give and receive help, feedback and support;
- learn about the underlying reasons for cramps, and how you can access “the healer within” and build your own health;
- be safely and expertly guided by a licensed naturopathic physician and get two 30 minute calls with her
I would love for you to jump in and do this together!!!
>> Learn more about this online program <<
When you click on it, you will read more about IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but rest assured that this program also deals with the hormonal stuff I talked about!
If you are scared to do this, here are some FAQ’s in Deborah’s words:
I have a terrible sugar addiction. I’m scared I can’t do it.
You’re not alone; everybody goes in with this fear. I have tried and true techniques that solve this problem. While your first few days will require some willpower, you’ll learn how we use your physiology in your favor, so that you don’t have to rely on willpower as soon as the sugar shift kicks in. I also promise you’ll feel better as a result.
I’m a vegetarian. Will the program still work?
Yes. There will be plenty of food to eat, even for vegetarians. I’ll advise you on special preparation methods if necessary, to make it work best.
I’m traveling within the dates of the program. Can I still join?
It depends on the dates and how long you’ll be gone. Missing one of the Zoom sessions won’t be an issue, since you can watch the recording. But traveling can make the nutritional change tough. Let’s go ahead and schedule a conversation and talk about it. Include the dates of travel in the scheduling form.
I have a very physical job and can’t cut calories. Will I have enough to eat?
Yes! You won’t be hungry. In fact, hunger is an anti-goal of this course, and it is most definitely not a sneak calorie-cutting weight-loss program. The planning and prep portions of the course are designed to make sure you have plenty of the right food available, at the right times.
>> Learn more about this online program <<
For the first and last time, this 6-week, highly interactive course (including 2 private sessions with Deborah) will be offered for only $497.
As a pilot program, it will intentionally remain small. She is capping enrollment at 12 students.
Over half (7) of those seats are already filled.
If you want one of the few remaining spots, let’s get on the phone and get all your questions answered, or figure out if it’s not for you.
Deborah is a doctor, not a salesperson. If you have questions, and it turns out the program isn’t right for you, she has exactly no interest in enrolling you.
You don’t have to go it alone. And you absolutely don’t have to collapse on your kitchen floor, crying and confused.
There’s nothing to lose. But you may regain your life.
This offer will close
…as soon as we reach 12 students, so schedule now.
So please join me in this online program. I am super excited to do it, and we’ll get a lot of support together. We can do this!!!