Our women’s retreat this year

Our women’s retreat this year

My teaching partner Lindsay Huettman and I scheduled this year’s women’s retreat for September 21 and 22! Lindsay also happens to be my best friend, and she’s a wonderful psychotherapist/grief counselor.

Together, we created a two-day retreat at my beautiful homestead that focuses on nourishment and rejuvenation of your body, soul and spirit.

We will support a small group of women (hopefully you’ll be one of them) to transform old, painful patterns that have been showing up in your life over and over again. These old patterns have created havoc in your life – maybe low-grade depression, unhappiness, burn-out, shame and guilt, isolation…

Together with Lindsay and my guidance and a very safe container of support with other women, we will bring these old patterns and unconscious beliefs to the surface. We will teach you powerful tools and practices to let go of them, and we’ll start cultivating new ways of relating to yourself, others, and the Greater Field of Life.

This is life-changing work, facilitated with incredible love and nourishment.


We’ll cook you incredible meals, pamper you in a gorgeous setting here in the Pacific Northwest, and give you plenty of space to relax and unwind.

So please head on over to the website to find out more about this retreat.

You deserve to be nourished and pampered.

You deserve to flourish!

Transform your life in my weekend retreat in California!

Transform your life in my weekend retreat in California!

Do you want to transform your life in California? I’m co-leading a weekend women’s retreat in Huntington Beach, CA, from May 4 to 5!  Please come join me!

  • Are you sick and tired of repeating the same painful patterns over and over again?
  • Are you feeling confused about the direction of your life?
  • Do you feel unsupported and alone?
  • Do you want to discover a proven method for life transformation?

If you are a woman who has been feeling the impulse to evolve beyond your current life situation (career, health, relationships, money, etc.), want to break through your old self-sabotaging behavior patterns, and move into a deeper relationship with yourself, others and life…



Join us for a powerful weekend of transformation as we take an inward journey into our inner landscapes.

In this two-day retreat you will:


– Identify and break through painful self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviour patterns

– Get clear on what is in the way of living your desired life

– Learn tools and practices to break through and transform the patterns from the past that are keeping you from being your True and Higher self

– Connect with your deepest desires, discover with what is possible for your life and follow through with the first steps to bring forth your vision

– Receive support to navigate the process of transformation

You deserve to flourish and thrive.  Please come join me in this retreat and prepare to be transformed!

Early  bird pricing ends April 1st, so please register early!


And please share this with your friends if they live close to California!

Is there something wrong with you?

Is there something wrong with you?

When things are hard, when you are feeling strong feelings, when you just can’t cope well, do you say to yourself “What’s wrong with me?”

Hmmm… Yeah.  I know this question well.  I used to tell myself this all the time.  What’s wrong with me??? Why can’t I just get over this depression, or not be so anxious all the time? Other people seem to do just fine, so why can’t I?


What if I told you there’s nothing wrong with you at all?  What if I told you that many other people feel like there’s something wrong with them, but they just don’t talk about it, so you think you’re the only one, and what if I told you that you are quite normal and human?

The problem is that you are asking the wrong question.  Asking yourself what’s wrong with you gives you absolutely no power and will drive you crazy.

See, I used to be convinced that there was something wrong with me, that I was bad, not good enough, and not worthy.  Over time, I transformed these beliefs, and my life has reflected that in all of its amazing flourishing.

But these false beliefs still rear their ugly, slimy monster heads every now and then.  For example, these past two weeks were insanely difficult, because my husband and I have been working through some deep, deep muck and issues that have been going on for the almost two decades of our relationship.  Hanging out there in the muck has not been fun.  I cried a lot.  I raged. I withdrew. I felt there was something really, really wrong with me.

At some point in one of my crying bouts, I yelled “What’s WRONG with me?”  I felt broken.

That’s when my husband took my snotty face in his hands and stroked my hair, all the while telling me that I was not broken (even though all these emotions were directed at him).  He reminded me that I was human, and that there was nothing wrong with me.


Fortunately, I’ve had lots of training, and I was able to snap out of it and believe him.  I’ve had lots of experience taking other people through this mucky field of believing something that’s not true, and completely transforming it.  With the right support, you can transform and evolve the way you talk to yourself, the way you relate to yourself, others and the universe.


We all need someone to walk us through this, and I would be honored to do this for you. 

If you want my help, I urge you to book a FREE discovery coaching session.  I’m taking on a limited number of clients over the next few months, and if you need support, please reach out.


I just received an email from a woman I coached, and here’s what she writes:

“I put my beloved dog to sleep a week ago, and I have taken the last week to be quiet, to be sad or whatever emotion I’m feeling at the moment, with no judgment. I’ve taken this time to be kind to myself, to talk to the little girl inside me in a caring, loving, gentle and patient voice. I’ve allowed myself to grieve as well as to dream, and I’ve taken my dreams seriously and believed in them because I’ve watched them come true again and again.

I feel as if the Universe has my back, that the world is a beautiful place, death and all. I feel whole, human, loved, loving, caressed and cared for by the Universe and by many, many loving humans.

I’m glad I waited to write to you as I feel the sadness of the last week has deepened the gratitude I was already feeling for you. The strength of what you taught me over the course of 2018 in our phone calls has become even more clear through this time. I would not be faring so well, sharing what I’ve been doing to take care of myself, if it weren’t for you.

I had felt disconnected, abandoned, lost – as you said, I was letting the ten year-old me drive the bus – and your gentle strength reconnected me to all that is truly important, grounded me, brought hope and tools to continue getting stronger and more gentle and loving, to myself and others.

My relationship with my husband has turned from anxiety-provoking to jaw droppingly beautiful, graceful, passionate. My businesses are thriving. My self talk is kind(er), my heart is full of gratitude, and I see signs every day that the Universe has my back.

I have notes on my mirror with words you gave me, I have notes in my art room, someday to be turned into art or writing or to just continue to be written in my soul, that you shared with me and brought out of me.

I am so very grateful for you choosing to take the path you chose, for all the twists and turns and ups and downs your life has given you, so that you could be there to provide what you did for me and for others. I wish life didn’t have to be so hard for all of us, but what you have chosen to do with the difficulty – to reach out to others and help us reconnect with our light, our dreams, our needs, our LIFE – is incredibly brave, beautiful and honorable.

Thank you, from the bottom, sides, inside and outside of my heart and soul.”

These two online events will change your life!

These two online events will change your life!

Today, I want to tell you about two possibly life-changing free workshops.

I’ve done them both, and both of them have made me into the fulfilled, self-actualized, on-purpose woman I am today.

The first one is a free global online event, available for a limited time: How to unlock your Feminine Power.

This is from my mentor, Claire Zammit, and her work has dramatically changed my life.  I want you to get a taste of it and discover how you can unleash your power and purpose and step into your destiny.

100,000+ women are coming together for a FREE GLOBAL ONLINE EVENT where you’ll discover how to **Unlock Your FEMININE POWER**

Unleash your POWER and PURPOSE and step into your DESTINY using the simple, proven process Dr. Claire Zammit has discovered in over a decade of research can ignite conscious women to actualize their potentials! —>

>> Click here to download the FREE audio <<


Or if you want to enroll in her paid 7-week online course, click here <—


The other life-changing workshop is all about Facebook, and how to expand your reach, clarify your message, and thus make more money.

So if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or someone who needs to get their voice out on Facebook, here’s a free training from another one of my mentors.

It’s an online workshop 💗FREE💗 my business mentor is teaching, and that exact workshop changed my life! She is a red-headed, funny-as-hell lady who has a six-figure business. She taught me everything I know about Facebook, all kinds of tips and tricks, and everyone should know this stuff if they want to reach more people!
It starts Monday, August 6, but you should sign up today so that you won’t miss out!

It blows me away that our Marblemount Homestead Facebook page has close to 5,000 followers – all high quality, engaged people!

Do YOU want to reach more people on Facebook? Do you want more exposure for your message or business?
My own exposure, fan base and income have exponentially increased after I took this FREE Four-Day-Facebook-Makeover workshop. 👇


>> Click here to sign up for her free workshop <<


And as always, if you want to sign up for a free discovery session to see how I could help you get on track with your life, click here to do it!





Changing lives, even with a headache

Changing lives, even with a headache

“What’s wrong, Mom?” asks Kai, my 15-year old son, nervously checking out my tear-filled eyes. I just came downstairs after coaching one of my clients, and as I wipe my eyes, I tell him that these are happy tears. Kai raises his eyebrow, so I tell him more. I explain that the client I just got off the phone with told me coaching with me has changed her life, and she doesn’t know where she would be without me.

I tell Kai that I’ve had a migraine all day, and that I’m extra emotional, but incredibly happy to help all these women and loving my coaching business so much.

Kai, not usually a touchy-feely guy, and in his usual dead-pan way, gives me a tender, crooked grin and says, “Corina Sahlin – changing women’s lives, even with a headache.”

This induces more happy tears in me, because I know that my son understands my deep, deep commitment and passion to help people.

Also, how’s that sentence for a tagline, huh?

Honestly, there’s nothing I would rather do than coaching women.

I’m not good at small talk. I can do it, I can hang out there, but I get bored and uncomfortable if the conversation hovers in the superficial realms too long. Where I really want to be is deep down, even and especially if it’s low in the muck and yucky shit we all deal with, because I’m not afraid of it. I welcome the struggle, because I’ve been in some pretty scary muck myself, and I’ve gotten myself out of it. Not alone, though, because we can’t become ourselves by ourselves. I’ve had amazing mentors, friends and evolutionary partners to support me, to teach me and hold me accountable.

I think at this point, my biggest message is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and you can’t do it by yourself. We all need guidance and perspective.  The weird thing is: Nobody is coming to rescue you ~ you have to learn to do it for yourself, and it helps to have the support of a guide!  And boy howdy, once you know the tools and practices to take care of yourself in a deep, emotional way, you are so much more empowered than waiting for your husband/friend/parent/relative to do it!

If you want to learn how to get out of the muck, how to really thrive and flourish (as I am now) you can book a free discovery session with me to see if this coaching work is a fit for you.

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Oh, and today is my birthday! I’m officially 46 years old and moving towards having lived for half a century.

This thought is freaking me out a bit.

The other night around the dinner table, after I felt especially tired, my 8-year old daughter looked at me and said, “Mom, you look kind of old.”

Hmpf. Gotta find a way to teach that kid the art of giving constructive feedback, I guess.

And finally, that cake on top of this blog post? My 13-year old son Luke baked that for me, without any help or prompting from me.

I’m one lucky Mama.

Have a wonderful week!  And remember, you are not alone!

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To worry is to pray for what you don’t want. Please don’t punch me in the face.

To worry is to pray for what you don’t want. Please don’t punch me in the face.

I am a world-class worry wart. Believe me, I know anxiety well. I’ve pitched my tent there and camped out with anxiety a lot in the past. I still do some, but if I catch myself worrying, I now say this to myself:

“To worry is to pray for what I don’t want.”

Now, please don’t punch me in the face. I’m not saying it’s your fault when something bad happens. Not at all.

What I’m saying is this:

Pretend you just woke up, and you stub your toe. In other words, your day starts out shitty. Then you notice the coffee has run out, and your day is getting worse, if that’s possible, and it’s not even 6:30 am yet.

Your thoughts are starting a downward spiral which you are getting sucked into fast – like a vortex of spinning energy you can’t stop. Here are your thoughts:

“Why does this always happen to me?”
“It’s gonna be a terrible day!”
“What if the meeting today is gonna suck?”
“I bet I won’t get through my to-do-list today.”

And woosh, down goes the energy, and wouldn’t you know it? The day IS terrible. The meeting DOES suck. You didn’t even scratch the surface of your to-do list.

And you feel terrible.

This downward spiral stuff happened to me the first week my three kids started school this September. I had been homeschooling them for their whole lives, and they all started public school at the same time. The first week was rough for two of my kids: they didn’t know anyone, the new environment and structure were foreign to them, they missed being home.

My mind went into overdrive: What if they never make friends? What if they never fit in? What if this was the biggest mistake we’ve ever made, and my kids will be scarred for life?

The deeper I hysterically pondered this, the more vivid the pictures in my head became. You know, when a thought suddenly turns into a big movie screen, with flashing colors, its own plot, and sound effects to boot.

Yeah, that.

And you notice your body is getting flooded with stress hormones, adrenaline, fear and dread, just as if the scenario in your head is actually HAPPENING for real?

Thoughts are incredibly powerful. I stopped myself and asked, “Is this really what I want for my kids? This techni-color picture of gloom and doom? Or do I want to see them happy, integrated and thriving? Yes, that!

So I dropped everything I was doing, sat down and visualized them like that: flourishing. Whenever fear crept up, I directed my thoughts to seeing my kids ecstatic and smiling.

Whatever the outcome, my body and mind felt much better visualizing the positive rather than seeing all the horror scenes in my mind.

And wouldn’t you know? After a week of adjusting, the middle kid started loving school and the social scene, the sports, band. And although it took longer for my third child, four weeks after starting school the other students in her second grade class are now fighting for her attention, wanting to be her best friend.


Did my visualizing help? I’d like to think so. I do believe in the Law of Attraction, prayer, positivity. But even if that didn’t play a factor, it is true that I felt much more calm, relaxed and peaceful. I bet my mindset helped my kids, instead of dealing with a hysterical, worried, hovering mother.

Here are some ways to deal with anxiety:


  • Eat chocolate.  Just kidding.  Or not.  It actually helps me.
  • Breathe.  Seriously.  Oxygen does wonders for your mood.
  • Turn towards your inner child, the one that worries she’s not good enough, she’s not safe, she’s a burden to others.  If you don’t know how to do this, schedule a free coaching session with me.  It could change your life.
  • Notice your body sensations when you worry: tension, gripping, tightness, pain.  Send some love and breath there.
  • Then say to yourself: “I’m going to make a different choice here.  Right now, I’m kind of praying for what I don’t want to happen.  What do I want to happen instead?”
  • Visualize in full techni-color a new scenario: what would you like this to be?  Paint a picture in your mind.  What does it smell like, feel like, look like?  Stay there for a while.
  • Talk with a friend (or coach).  Make sure it’s someone who has earned the right to hear your story, someone you trust completely.
  • Be super-super-super kind, compassionate, gentle and sweet with yourself.  Beating yourself up on top of the anxiety doesn’t help.
  • Exercise.  I get on my bike and pump some endorphins out in the fresh air.  And then I go and eat some more chocolate.
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