individual coaching

Hello dear one,

I’m popping in here to encourage you to book a free session with me if you have ever been called to get coaching from me.

Believe me, I know how hard is to make the choice to invest in yourself.  I used to believe that it was selfish, that I was not worthy, and that I didn’t have the money to spend on my own improvement and self-actualization, but once I did begin with my own Feminine Power work, my life dramatically changed.

Ten years ago, I did exactly what I guide my own clients through – identifying the most painful pattern in your life, setting an intention, and learning specific, powerful tools and practices how to relate to yourself, others and the greater field of life/God/Universe/Sprit in ways that allows you to thrive in ways that you can’t even imagine now.

My life is now unrecognizable from a decade ago, so much better, happier and richer, both personally and professionally, and it’s because I engaged in this work myself.

As part of my journey, I have become a Feminine Power ambassador and Senior coach in our coaching organization, which has changed thousands of women’s lives. It’s so incredibly rewarding!

Since I’m very busy, and since I’m one of the most experienced coaches in the organization, it’s time for me to raise my prices to reflect my huge success with my clients.

And I want to give you the change to get in at my cheaper rates before I do that. I will raise my prices in four days – at the end of Friday, June 14.  If you schedule your free discovery session before then (even if the session is scheduled for after Friday), and if you decide to step into a coaching relationship with me, I will honor the old, cheaper price for you.

You can sign up for the free session on my website (either on the top right, or scroll all the way down) by clicking HERE <—

And if you need an extra nudge, read my TESTIMONIALS page, where you can read how women’s lives transformed for the better because they did coaching with me.

I hope you will make the leap, or at least schedule a free session. You will know if it’s right. Don’t delay any longer, because you deserve support, thriving and happiness!

With so much love,

Certified Feminine Power Coach and Global Ambassador