A free tool to unlock your intuition and get unstuck
Have you ever had to make a decision or figure out a next step, and then ending up obsessing about it, second-guessing yourself, being paralyzed out of fear of making the “wrong” decision, or analyzing til the cows come home and not feeling good about it? Ahhh, yes, I...

My Father Died
A few hours after my Dad died, I hike up Chuckanut Ridge behind our house. I want to be in the mountains to feel my Papa, because he was always happiest in the mountains. But I can’t feel him any more. He’s gone. The week before his death, I felt my father constantly....

This is vulnerable and scary to share
Hi there, happy Sunday!I want to tell you something really, really vulnerable, and it’s scary for me to share this here. But I feel like I NEED to share it. And I’m telling you not so that you’ll feel sorry for me, but for a specific reason, and you’ll see in a minute...

Hello dear, It has been a long time since I posted a blog here. It’s because 2020 kicked my ass more than any other year, except maybe that time when I was a teenager and got banned from our house by my father. Anyway, back to 2020: it started with some heavy duty...

Here is a powerful, simple tool to help yourself emotionally in this hard time
Is your anxiety running as high as mine? I'm a naturally anxious person, and also highly sensitive to the energies around me. So in addition to feeling my own stuff, I'm also feeling everyone else's. You, too? And if you have kids, you are picking up their anxiety,...

Second Bloom – Motherhood and Beyond ~ What’s Next?
Are you a mother nearing the end of active child-raising years, wondering what's next and how you get there? Maybe you've been homeschooling kids for years and you're transitioning to a new chapter in your life, personally and professionally. Are you a mother of...
Grief is a bitch. And then you get puppies.
I can't stop crying. My beloved dog Chowder died unexpectedly. We rescued him from the animal shelter years ago, and he has repaid us with unwavering, unconditional love every single day. I was his person. He loved me. He followed me everywhere, was my shadow, and not...
If you ever wanted to coach with me, now is the time, because I’ll raise my prices soon
Hello dear one, I'm popping in here to encourage you to book a free session with me if you have ever been called to get coaching from me. Believe me, I know how hard is to make the choice to invest in yourself. I used to believe that it was selfish, that I was not...

Do you have PMS, IBS or gut health issues? Let’s heal them together!
The other day found me on the sofa, sobbing, yet again. This happens every month: a migraine, or whatever it is, that leaves me nauseated, utterly exhausted, sensitive to light, feeling sick like with a flu, and I can't form a coherent thought. It's debilitating. And...

Our women’s retreat this year
My teaching partner Lindsay Huettman and I scheduled this year's women's retreat for September 21 and 22! Lindsay also happens to be my best friend, and she's a wonderful psychotherapist/grief counselor. Together, we created a two-day retreat at my beautiful homestead...

I’m Corina Sahlin, mother of three, life coach for mothers, retreat leader and homesteader living the good life in the Pacific Northwest.
I’m a global leader, helping women find their purpose and step into their unique destiny.
I’m so glad you stopped by!