Learn something new – this could change your life!

Learn something new – this could change your life!

Hello dear one! I already shared this via my homesteading blog, but in case you are not subscribed to it, I  wanted to show this to you.  You might like this opportunity, because it will teach you lots of practical, hands-on skills. It's the FREE online Back to Basics...

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What’s up with all the intensity lately?

What’s up with all the intensity lately?

Dear Mama, Have you been feeling all the intensity lately?  Lots of deep emotions, strong feelings, crazy reactions are floating around.  I've been experiencing lots of this, my clients have, too and I wonder if you're in the same boat as well. In my latest episode...

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The reason you haven’t heard from me in a while

The reason you haven’t heard from me in a while

Do you wonder why you haven’t heard from me in a while?

Here’s why: on top of life being very intense on many levels, my computer broke down.

So I did what  good life coach would do: dig in, feel and explore all the feelings that have been coming up, take care of myself, and transform.

And transform I did. I feel like I’ve been in a chrysalis, where the caterpillar turns to mush before it emerges as a butterfly.  It’s been hard, but also incredibly good for soul growth.

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Last chance, and a special invitation for you

Since you are reading my blog, I assume you know that I'm a life coach.  I don't like the word "life coach" though.  The word "coach" conjures images of someone with a whistle in their mouth, yelling and jumping up and down. I see myself more as a midwife helping...

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What’s up with all the intensity lately?

Are you dwelling on the past?

Hello love, I don't know about you, but I got to a point where I was sick and tired of reading self-help books, spending hours in psychotherapy, and analyzing my past to figure out why I was so messed up. Sound familiar? Then watch my short little clip where I tell...

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Feminine Power Coach


I’m Corina Sahlin, mother of three, life coach for mothers, retreat leader and homesteader living the good life in the Pacific Northwest.

I’m a global leader, helping women find their purpose and step into their unique destiny.

I’m so glad you stopped by!